Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Granbull from the Heart Gold/Soul Silver set. This is a stage 1, colorless type Pokemon card with an hp of 90. It has a x2 weakness to fighting type Pokemon, no resistance, and a high retreat cost of 3 colorless energy cards. Once again this card doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is called Timid Tackle and for two colorless energy cards Granbull does 50 damage but unfortunately you then have to switch Granbull with one of your benched Pokemon and before you do Granbull does 20 damage to itself. Granbull's second move is called Chomp and for 4 colorless energy cards Granbull does 40 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter of Granbull, so this move has a maximum potential of 120. So as far as strategy goes I would recommend using this card in combination with a card that has free retreat cost that way you could use Timid Tackle a few turns in a row since you can just retreat the Pokemon you use in the switch since it has free retreat costs and at the same time it would want to have a high hp too, but then once you get 40 damage on Granbull I would keep it in there and then use Chomp. But the major downfall with this card is that it requires too much energy to do damage and since it is only a stage 1 Pokemon card it doesn't necessarily have the capabilities of getting that much energy cards on it before it gets knocked out, so I would rate this card a 2 out of 5, I think this card would be amazing if it had the hp of a stage 2 Pokemon but it doesn't so it isn't that great. So thanks for reading today's review of Granbull from Heart Gold/Soul Silver, stay tuned for tomorrow's review of Hypno from Heart Gold/Soul Silver.
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